Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brand new blog!

It just seemed appropriate.

Though I may indulge in the odd personal story from time to time, I thought it was time to get serious about announcing accomplishments.  I plan to share mine, of course, but I invite others to let me know about their successes in the world of creative writing for fantasy and science fiction.

I've met some wonderful people since embarking on this new personal journey.  A few have asked me to help spread the word about the fine work they've done.  I thought this might be a good way to do that. 

Feel free to follow or to check back often.  I've created a special section for new announcements and links.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You got a new blog and didn't tell me?! I'm hurt. :(

    Glad that you started this! It looks wonderful. I have subscribed so I won't miss anything. :)
