Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three French hens ...

Day three of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' writing prompt challenge: 

It’s the time of the second world war.  Three sisters, members of the French resistance, are trying to bring an end to the conflict.  They’re all geniuses, some of the brightest minds of their day.  Because of their gender, no one in a position of authority will take them seriously.  However, one of them has invented a device that allows her to plant ideas in the heads of others.  Now, each of the ladies can plant thoughts so convincingly that the recipient will believe it’s his own. 

There are two catches.  First, their subject must already be receptive to the idea, or it won’t stick.  And second, the women need several minutes in close proximity for the device to work.  They decide to …

It's been a near thing, but so far, I've got them all out on the correct day.

For more prompts, check out:   

1 comment:

  1. These are really cool prompts and you are doing magnificent sticking to the theme of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
