Sunday, January 22, 2012

Doom and Destruction

Here goes, the first scenario for the end of the world, as inspired by the popular misrepresentation of the Mayan calendar for 2012.

January's entry is courtesy of the "weird sounds heard around the world" videos on youtube. 

Some folk believe these strange sounds are courtesy of HAARP, or one of the similar programs.

Some don't.

So, here's January's silly end-of-the-world writing prompt:

A atmospheric sound test goes awry.  It creates a harmonic that sets off a series of earthquakes all around the world.  Continents are ripped apart.  Some sink, pushing oceanic levels up, and leaving only the highest altitudes habitable.  Your character must decide who will survive, and how. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Another Pretty Picture?

Ok, it's confession time.  One silly way per month for the world to end is probably my limit.  In fact, it may be more than I can manage.  I haven't come up with even one, yet.

My first criterion is, I can't draw on any of the normal disaster-movie fodder.  And, it also has to be something that will happen fast enough to meet my Dec 21 deadline.  I still hope I'll come up with something for January.  Maybe the first will be the toughest.  (Though I suspect not.)

In the meantime, I thought I'd share another photo. 

It was taken on the east coast of Newfoundland.  This iceberg was reputed to be one of the last of the season that year.  Thanks to the assistance of some friendly locals, we found it in time to watch it break apart.  The picture was taken midway through the process. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Small Blessings

I decided, if I was going to spend time imagining ways for the world to end (albeit not serious ways, I think I've used up all my serious ideas), I should balance it out, by recording some of the small blessings in my life.  

Here's the first - sunrise.  We all get one.  One of the advantages of living in a northern clime is that it arrives at a sensible hour, at least in winter. 

For this shot, I hastily donned my coat over pyjamas, pulled on my boots, and shoved my digital camera into my pocket, so it would stay warm enough to work.  It was worth it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

What Next?

It's a question I'm asking myself.  Completing the 12 days challenge was fun, and I learned a few things.

Now, it's a new year, and time for a new challenge.  Given the whole 2012 Mayan destruction thing, I'm tempted to try to come up with series of unique and interesting fictional ways for the world to self-destruct, perhaps culminating on the big day, Dec, 21, 2012. 

Yeah, I know it's not really predicting the end of the world.  It's the end of the 13th something-or-other on the Mayan calendar.  But even if it was, it's not all bad news.  We'd no longer have to worry about the state of our retirement portfolios, for one thing. 

But I digress ... 

One idea a day is a bit much, I think.  Maybe one a week. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Twelve Drummers Drumming ...

Today's writing prompt:

The hooves of their mounts pound on the hard-packed surface of the ground.  This troupe of twelve has worked together for so long that even at a full gallop, their horses run in staccato rhythm, booming like the beat of a drum.  Now, they race against time, and they’ll face the ultimate test of their abilities.  They must …

For more writing prompts, check out:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eleven Pipers Piping ...

Today's writing prompt:

Your hero is part of a military company with a long, illustrious history.  Their tradition has always been that eleven of them, playing the bagpipes, will pipe in all events of note for each of their members, both professional and personal, happy and sad.  When a new piper fills a vacancy …

For more writing prompts, check out:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ten Lords A'Leaping ...

Today's writing prompt:

Overpopulation has outstripped the world’s ability to feed itself.  Most of the next generation will starve to death unless its numbers are greatly reduced.  To do that, world leaders have implemented a plan.  It's designed to ensure that only the best specimens of today's humanity are allowed to breed.  

The final test, for our hero, is coming up.  He and his four teammates will be playing a game designed to test their strength, speed, agility, endurance, and their ability to work as a team, against five similar opponents.  Our hero has just learned something.  It makes him believe the test will be rigged against him and his teammates …

For more writing prompts, check out:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Nine Ladies Dancing ...

Today's writing prompt:

A group of nine women, a synchronized dance team of ice skaters, are experimenting with a new form of entertainment.  A pressure-sensitive underlay has been placed under the ice.  When the skater’s blade presses down on it, it creates a line of light.  The light persists for a few minutes.  In their routines, the group are creating fractals to music.  They discover that some of the fractals …

For more writing prompts, check out:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Eight Maids A'Milking ...

Today's writing prompt:

Eight friends, all matronly women, accidentally discover an herbal tea blend with an interesting side effect.  For a short time, it makes a person very susceptible to suggestion.  They decide to use their new-found ability to dispense Robin Hood-style justice in their community …

For more writing prompts, check out: