Well, it's mid-February, and it appears that Europe has absconded with our winter. Not that I'm complaining about the ease of getting around, or the reduced heating bill. And I do have a great deal of sympathy for those poor people who aren't equipped to cope with winter conditions. This seems a particularly nasty trick to play on those who've endured some blisteringly hot summers.
Still, by this time of year, we've usually had several good weekends of cross-country skiing. It's hard to do on dormant grass.
It does, however, provide the fodder for my February installment of silly ways for the world to end, as inspired by the misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar.
Here's the writing prompt:
The deep freeze in Europe causes both huge economic losses and increased spending. It's the straw that breaks the camel, spiraling the entire world into deep depression. If your hero, one of the world's leading bankers, can't find a brilliant solution that will reverse the trend, the entire world will be plunged into another dark age.
Oh, that's a hard one. Not sure I can write about a banker without killing him...but I'll try!