Thursday, May 10, 2012

May's Silly Disaster

Well, here I am, trying to get back on track. 

It's month five, with seven more to go in the annals of silly disasterdom, and the grand inspiration isn't coming.  I'm still scrambling along, one month at a time, or at best, two. 

Perhaps it's time for a little refresher.  In honor of the supposed ending of the world, my personal challenge was/is to create a new way for the world to end for every month of 2012. 

For inspiration, I checked out Youtube again.  This time, I did a general search on disaster and prophecy. 

There, I discovered that I am a rank amateur in the world of disaster silliness.  I have to admit, though, I was impressed.  There's no way I could have done even a minute of some of that stuff with a straight face.  And several of those guys went on for hours.  I'll admit I didn't watch more than a bit of any of them.

I did find my inspiration for May.  Here's the writing prompt:

A charismatic cult leader has suffered a few embarrassments.   He's been calling for the world to end, and it hasn't been cooperating.  Now, he's planning to take matters into his own hands.  Using his existing network of followers, he's been recruiting.  The new members don't realize they're part of a cult.  Using strong drugs to influence them, they're been shaped into tools.  At a specific time, all around the world, they're going to poison water supplies. 

Our hero gets wind of the plot.  He has some resources to call upon, but he's going to need to mobilize more, and to coordinate a massive effort, if this is to be stopped. 


  1. Silly? Scary is more like it. That sounds too close to reality.

    But of course, all this does is wipe US off the face of the earth, leaving behind a paradise...hmmm...maybe my hero will only save a chosen few to populate a new world...

  2. Interesting that you'd assume only the US, and not an international ring. Of course, I did say 'charismatic' and I suppose it's harder to convince without personal contact.
