Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October's Silly Disaster

Well, here I am in the home stretch, but with no inspiration to guide me.  Drat. 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of this blog, from my perspective, has been in the research I would otherwise not have done. 

For October, I turned to New Scientist. It didn't let me down.

Here's the prompt:
In this month's silly disaster, organized crime has created a new initiative.  Using sophisticated technology that dissolves in the body after use, they're killing public figures who refuse to play ball and replacing them with those who will.  Your hero has only a limited window in which to figure out who's behind it, how they're doing it, and how to stop them.


  1. Hi, J.M... I found your blog after I couldn't find you on Facebook. I wanted to compliment you on your short, which appeared in LocoThology recently. I am the author whose story, "Dolls Are For Kids," appeared right after your story. I thoroughly enjoyed your story, "Hot Encounter." Well done! What an idea, very creative, and lovely from beginning to end. Thanks for taking me on a journey into the gullet of a dragon! Wow. I also have a blog on blogspot, not about writing, but just a way to exercise my writing urge without my self-editor shrieking criticisms from my shoulder.

    1. Hi Carrie. Thanks so much for taking the time to look me up, and for stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story. Unfortunately, I haven't yet seen the new Locothology, so I'm not in a position to comment on any of the other tales in it.
