Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The new TV season has started

Every fall, my PVR is kept busy recording the season's new shows. And every year, after the first episode or so, most of those timers are deleted.

It appears that Sleepy Hollow will be the first casualty of this season. It's a shame--I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, the plot is like swiss cheese and the pace of the first episode could only be described as frenetic.

The result came across as disjointed, with too many characters and subplots, and no time to get more than a drive-by past any of them. We found parts of it hilarious, but not in a good way.

I love that TV has finally discovered the world of spec fiction and is exploiting it for all it's worth. But I wish they'd learn the lessons taught by the successful productions. The lower echelon has been siphoned off into the world of reality shows. The rest of us want intelligent, well-written plots with strong characters, rich back story and depth in the presentation. We don't want stuff chucked at us as if it was on steroids. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, and for taking the time to respond. It's nice to get feedback.

  2. Yeah, it is nice that there are more speculative fiction TV shows to choose from. Not that I watch them when they are first aired (don't have TV reception), but it is sure nice to come across the good ones via Netflix or Amazon Prime.
